Procurement & Tendering

Purpose Of Procurement

The overall purpose of procurement regulations is to ensure that Farage Printing Industries gets the highest quality of desired goods and services at the best price possible. Further, the regulations are aimed at streamlining the process of procurement while maintaining adequate controls. These procurement procedures apply to all staff involved in the procurement process and to all types of procurement.

The Procurement Committee

Farage Printing Industries procurement committee shall be composed of the following:

  1. The Management Board
  2. The Accountant and Financial Department
  3. The Procurement Department
  4. The Quality Control Department.

The committee shall meet when there is need to deliberate on issues pertaining to procurement.


The key terms of reference for the committee shall be to:

  1. Awarded tenders
  2. Approved orders
  3. Awarded contracts
  4. Approved variation of contracts conditions

Separation Of Duties

There shall be proper separation of duties between:


  1. The person who orders a particular purchase.
  2. The person who satisfies that the goods supplied are in fine manner.
  3. The person who accepts goods.
  4. The person who authorizes.

Procurement Planning

Procurement planning is part of the budgeting process. Each departmental head is responsible for planning his/her project’s estimated procurement needs on regular basis through the use of the procurement plan, which indicates the items to be bought in the various quarters of the year. The procurement officer will use the plan for requisitions. Farage Printing Industries’s procurement committee discuss the plan at the beginning of each year and as need may arise within the year. The plan will also require the final approval of the project coordinator, who will share it with the executive director for comments before approval.

Procurement Requisition

Each specific procurement procedure process shall be initiated by procurement requisitions to the procurement officer from the requesting department and should show detailed specifications and requirements for the item(s) being requested. They should also indicate that the item is budgeted for. The PRs allows the departments flexibility within the overall annual plans regarding specifications, exact quantities, delivery dates, etc. They are also used to cater for unplanned or emergency procurement.


All requisitions must be signed by the departmental heads or designate, who should ensure that the item(s) are within the budget or should seek authority to procure as per policy. Any persons designated to authorize requisitions in acting capacity must have the authority given in writing clearly stating the period authorized.

Controls On Procurement

Goods and services will only be procured within approved budgets except in case of emergencies, which has to be approved by the executive director. The departmental heads should ensure that actual procurement throughout the year remains within the budget of each project or provided service. The financial officer shall assist the procurement officer in conducting periodic checks on procurement activities to ensure that they conform with Farage Printing Industries policies and procedures.


It is the responsibility of the person who signs the purchase order to verify that the following have been, done whether or not he/she actually collects the goods concerned.


  1. That the correct quantity has been received
  2. That the quality and price of goods is same as what was requested
  3. That all goods delivered have been securely and inventory records appropriately updated.
  4. That the delivery note is checked, signed, and forwarded to the financial officer

The Procurement Process Report

Upon receipt of requisitions, the procurement officer will first verify that the requisition is properly approved according to the signing authority. The Procurement officer will then enter the requisition details into the procurement report worksheet. After this, he will begin the process of sourcing for the goods.


The procurement report worksheet is updated to reflect requisition as they are received. It also includes information on status of each procurement requisition, complete with expected delivery date. This is to be submitted to projects department on a monthly analysis.


The procurement officer is required to present a monthly financial and narrative report on procurement to the executive director, through the administrative assistant and a copy forwarded to the financial officer.

Vendor Selection

Careful selection of vendors should be done to ensure that best possible price, quality and delivery time available within the markets is obtained. A list of suitable vendors (the list of pre-qualified vendors), for each type of goods and services based on letters of introduction and past performance shall be maintained. This will make the process of vendor identification much faster. The vendor list shall be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure that current known factors are taken into consideration.


Once the previous year’s list of vendors has been updated and approved by the procurement committee, procurement of goods, and services can be effected. Vendor selection for inclusion on the list of pre-qualified vendors will take place once per year and will be done by the procurement committee.

Vendor Selection Criteria

The following set of criteria is essential for deciding on choice of vendors:


  1. Quality of goods/services. Such a justification must be…
  2. Availability of goods/services within the required delivery
  3. After sale services, including availability of parts/supplies.
  4. Warranty
  5. Ability to provide samples

Local Purchase Orders

The LPO is a contract with vendors should include all information regarding the goods and services being procured as well as standard terms of delivery, payment and arbitration in case of dispute. Upon selection of a vendor, a legally binding contract or work order should be drawn-up for the goods and services in question and signed by both parties prior to procurement. Detailed specifications; quantities, unit prices, delivery deadlines, locations, and payment schedules must be specified in such contracts.

Certifying Delivery Of Goods And Services

The procurement process cannot be completed without certification that the goods and services procured have been received entirely to Farage Printing Industries satisfaction, in particular, to the satisfaction of the requisition. The procedure for receiving goods and services is therefore important in ensuring that vendors have entirely met their obligations. Once Farage Printing Industries has certified that goods and services have been received to their satisfaction, the payment can then be made.


In all cases, the certification of receipts of goods and services is pre-requisite to Farage Printing Industries and the following guidelines are essential for that purpose.


  1. The procurement office should ensure that goods and services are checked against invoices, or delivery
  2. Requisition department at the time of delivery will facilitate the receiving and checking of goods and services whereby the receiving person will have to sign the delivery notes or any other documents during
  3. Physical checking should be done by the requisitioning department and not by the procurement office.
  4. Any differences between documents done physical checks should be noted and reported to the procurement officer for

Payment-Processing Procedure

The recipient department is responsible for preparing payment requisition which then it forwards to the procurement office for checking and certifying. The document is then sent to the finance department for further checking and necessary approval and authority to pay. All payments must be made in accordance to the contractual terms between the vendor and Farage Printing Industries and in reference to the financial policies.